Last Updated: 8/9/2021 | August 9th, 2021

Home to beautiful islands, a history that stretches back thousands of years, a varied and rich culinary tradition, spectacular hikes, ancient monasteries, and a rambunctious party scene, Greece is one of the most popular destinations in the world.

However, many people don’t think of it as a cheap one. mention Greece and many picture the white and blue homes on the cliffs in Santorini, boutique hotels, fancy dinners, a go-go nightlife, and island-hopping cruises.

All things that scream, “This won’t be a cheap trip!”

However, Greece is actually a really, really budget-friendly destination. I think it’s one of the most affordable Eurozone countries there is.

This was true when I first went ten years ago and it is still true today.

Of course, not everyone agreed with me back then. Here’s what one commenter said:

Greece is absolutely not cheap, especially not Athens. Clubs charge around 20 EUR entrance fees. The Akropolis is like 25 EUR entrance to walk around. Sure, tavernas are pretty cheap, but once you go up from backpacker hostels and low-end tavernas, Greece is hella expensive. I’m waiting until they get kicked out of the euro and go back to drachmas. There is a reason people go to Turkey instead of Greece. telling people that it’s on par with Thailand and Bali is just plain misinformation…

And he’s right.

Traveling that way would make Greece expensive.

But traveling that way could make any place expensive.

For example, Bali is a very cheap destination but, if you stayed in the $1,000 USD resorts, it would be, like he said, “hella expensive” too.

But there’s a middle ground here in Greece.

In this post, I am going to break down how much I spent on my recent trip and what I spent it on. I’ll also share some budget travel suggestions too to help you save money on your trip.


How much I spent during five Weeks in Greece

Average prices in Greece

Mennyire van szükséged?

Suggested Budget: Shoestring

Suggested Budget: Backpacker

Suggested Budget: Middle-of-the-Road Traveler

Suggested Budget: Luxury

Budget suggestions for Greece

How much I spent during five Weeks in Greece

Over the course of 35 days in Greece, I spent 4843.34 EUR, or 138 EUR per day. It breaks down like this (prices are in EUR; currently 1 EUR = $1.18 USD):

Accommodation: 1531.14, or 43.74 per day
Transportation: 894.68, or 25.56 per day
Activities: 447.50, or 12.78 per day
Food: 1339.89, or 38.28 per day
Drinks/Nightlife: 484.80, or 13.85 per day
Miscellaneous (sunscreen, toiletries, etc): 145.33, or 4.15 per day

I was actually amazed I spent so much. I went a little over budget. But, to be fair, that is because I also spend like a travel writer. because I work on the road, it’s very crucial to me to have a room with a desk and a work area and those rooms tend to be much more expensive.

Second, I tend to take way much more trips than the average tourist, because I try everything to write about it. and I typically hire private guides on my trips. I doubt numerous of you are going to drop hundreds of euros on multiple private tours.

Between private tours, some upscale accommodations, a lot of island-hopping, dropping a few hundred euros on drinks for a group of backpackers (I always pay it forward, since, when I began my travels, people did so for me), I probably spent about 600-700 EUR much more than your average traveler. That would have dropped my daily expenses closer to 100 EUR which I think is much more reasonable for your “average tourist” budget.

So, with that said, let’s talk average prices, suggested budgets, and how much YOU really need!

Average prices in Greece

Before I get into suggested budgets, I want to talk about average prices so you can get a sense of costs on your visit. Here’s what to expect, on average, when you get to Greece (prices are in EUR):

Hostel dorm: 10-15/night
Hostel private room: 30-60/night (though, on Santorini or Mykonos, expect as a high as 75)
Budget hotel: 40-60/night (though, you can in some cases find guesthouses for as low as 25)
Gyro (and other cheap to-go food): 2-3
Glass of red wine at a restaurant: 2.5–4
Bottled water at the grocery store: 0.30
Bottled water (in a restaurant): 1
Greek salad: 5.50–8
Greek main dish: 8-12
Seafood dinner: 15-20
Lunch specials: 10-12
Cocktails: 12-15
Beer: 2-4
Land tours: 15-50
Boat tours: 10-35
Ferries: 25-70/ride
Public intracity buses/subways: 1-2/ride
Wine/food tours: 100-125 (40 for a half-day)
Major museums/historic sites: 10-20

Greece on a Budget: how much Do You really Need?

To help you with your budgeting, I’ve created a few different budgets below to give you an idea as to how much Greece costs, depending on your travel style. (Note: These are daily averages. Some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less. prices are in EUR.)

Budget #1 – The very Shoestring Traveler
Accommodation: 0-10
Food: 10
Transportation: 10
Activities: None
Total: 20-30

On this budget, you’re Couchsurfing or staying in a hostel dorm room. You’re making your food or eating cheap fast food like gyros, moving slowly, using cheaper, avoiding expensive islands like Santorini, slower overnight ferries and buses, not paying for activities, and keeping your drinking to near zero. It’s completely possible to travel on this budget but it’s going to be tough.

Budget #2 – The Backpacker
Accommodation: 10-15
Food: 10-20
Drinks: 10-20
Transportation: 10-15
Activities: 10
Total: 50-80

On this budget, you’re staying in dorms, mostly cheap fast food like gyros with the occasional restaurant meal, using slower ferries and buses, paying for just a few activities, and limiting your nights out (because, let’s face it, as a backpacker, you’re going to want some nights out!). The big variable in this budget is, of course, how much you’re going to party and how numerous islands you’ll do (because the mainland is much cheaper).

Budget #3 – The Middle-of-the-Road Traveler
Hotel: 40
Food: 40
Drinks: 15
Transportation: 15
Activities: 20
Total: 130

For this mid-range budget, you’ll get a private hostel room/budget hotel; all the trips you want, the occasional taxi; a mix of cheap, casual, and good meals and whatever ferries (and the occasional flight) you need. This will put you much more in line with what I spent during my trip but, if you don’t drink as much red wine or take as numerous activities as I do, you can easily do this closer to 100 EUR per day.

Budget #4 – The “I only have two Weeks, So I Don’t Care” Traveler
Hotel: 100+
Food: 75+
Drinks: 30
Transportation: 15+
Activities: 50+
Total: 240+

On this budget, you can do anything. If you want to blow it out of the water, this is really the floor of what you’ll spend. As I said in the introduction, Greece can be as expensive as you want it to be! but I doubt you’re reading this blog for luxury travel tips!

Notes on the numbers:
1. I’m not including souvenirs in these numbers. That’s highly discretionary and variable. Obviously, the much more you buy, the higher your daily average will be.

2. While alcohol is included, if you like to drink or go clubbing a lot, you’re going to spend a lot more. summertime on the Greek islands is a bit hedonistic, so if that’s your thing, bring extra money.

3. These are daily averages. Some days you’ll spend way more, many much less.

13 budget suggestions for Greece

Greece is actually pretty cheap. Greek food, glasses of wine, hostel dorms, and public buses aren’t very expensive and you can find some really good accommodation for between 30-40 EUR a night. There’s a lot of ways to save money in Greece without sacrificing comfort. Itt van, hogyan:

Use the Greek Salad/Bread guideline – This is my top rule! Is a restaurant cheap or expensive? Here’s a good guideline of thumb: If the bread cover is .50 EUR or a Greek salad is less than 7 EUR, the restaurant is cheap. If the cover is around 1 EUR and a salad is 7-8.50 EUR, the prices are average. Anything much more than that and the place is expensive.

Eat very cheap – Gyros (and other street snacks) typically only cost a few euros. They are quick and easy and can keep you full for less than 10 EUR per day!

Rent a moped – If you’re going to be somewhere (like on one of the islands) for a while, rent a moped. It’s less expensive than a car and much more convenient than the bus. It’s a fun way to see the various towns and cities and the best way to get off the beaten path.

Get off the beaten path – Greece is the most affordable when you get out of the popular destinations. Head to less well-traveled areas and you’ll see prices drop by 30% or more!

Book overnight ferries – Greece’s ferries can get quite expensive if you are going to a lot of islands. Taking the overnight ferries can save you up to half off the normal price (plus it will save you a night of accommodation).

Have an ISIC Card – To save on the cost of admission to museums and other traveler attractions, be sure to present a valid student card. The ISIC is usually accepted in places where a foreign student ID is not.

Couchsurf – Couchsurfing is an amazing way to meet locals while also getting a complimentary place to stay.

Buy red wine at the store – You can get a great bottle of red wine from the stores for as little as 4 EUR. It’s a lot less expensive than drinking at the bar, so drink before you go out to save money.

Get a ferry pass – Eurail/Interrail has a ferry pass that has 4- and 6-trip options. The only caveat is that you can only take Blue star and Hellenic Seaways ferries. Those tend to be the larger, slower ferries and, depending on the islands, might require you to connect somewhere. You’ll need to research routes in development to see if the pass is worth it. I would search routes on FerryHopper to see if it works for you. You can purchase your pass on Eurail (non-EU residents) or Interrail (EU residents).

Take public transportation- – A buszok, míg egyes esetekben kellemetlen ütemtervekkel futnak, a legjobb módja annak, hogy megkerüljék Görögországot. A taxik ott nagyon drágák, tehát csökkentsék használatukat, amikor csak tudsz.

Szerezzen kombinált jegyeket – A Görögországban a történelmi látnivalók nagyrészt ára vannak, hogy ez mindig jobb ajánlat legyen a kombinált jegy megszerzéséhez. Ha ezt a webhelyeket kínálja, akkor szerezze be. Pénzt takarít meg.

Használjon pontokat, ha tud – ha utazási hackerek vagytok, és vannak olyan pontok, amelyek készpénzre használhatók, akkor jobb lesz a szállásfoglaláshoz való felhasználás, ha olcsóbb ingatlanokon tartózkodik (bármi kevesebb, mint 100 USD). Éjszaka csak néhány ezer pontért megtakaríthat egy csomó pénzt.

Béreljen autót – Autós bérleti díjak rendkívül olcsók lehetnek Görögországban. Az árak csak napi 15 EUR -tól kezdődnek, ha előzetesen lefoglalják. A sofőröknek legalább 21 évesnek kell lenniük, és egy évig rendelkeznek engedélyükkel. Nemzetközi vezetési engedélyre is szükség van.

*** Görögország, mint bármely ország, széles körű költségvetési lehetőségekkel rendelkezik. Igen, ott költhet egy vagyont (sokan egy divatos, drága kirándulást választanak.), De a bank betörése nélkül is lehet ellenőrizni. A fenti javaslatok használatával fantasztikus utazást tud elérni, miközben a költségvetés érintetlen marad.

Foglalja le Görögországba vezető utat: logisztikai javaslatok és trükkök
Foglalja le a járatát
Használja a Skyscanner vagy a Momondo olcsó repülést. Ők a két kedvenc keresőmotorom, mert a világ minden tájáról keresnek oldalakat és légitársaságokat, így mindig tudod, hogy nem maradnak kő. Először kezdje el a Skyscannerrel, mert ez a legjelentősebb elérhető!

Foglalja le szállását
Foglalhatja le hostelét a Hostelworld -nál, mivel ez a legjelentősebb készlet és a legjobb ajánlatok. Ha a hostel kivételével valahol másutt szeretne maradni, használja a -ot, mivel ez következetesen visszatér a vendégházak és szállodák legolcsóbb áraival.

Ne felejtsd el az utazási biztosítást
Az utazási biztosítás megóvja Önt a betegség, a sérülés, a lopás és a lemondás ellen. Részletes védelem abban az esetben, ha valami rosszul fordul elő. Soha nem megyek utazásra nélküle, mivel a múltban sokszor kellett használnom. Kedvenc cégeim, amelyek a legjobb szolgáltatást és értéket nyújtják, a következő:

Biztonsági szárny (mindenki számára, aki 70 alatt van)

Biztosítsa az utazásomat (azoknak a 70 -es vagy annál idősebbeknek)

MedJet (további hazatelepítéshez)

Keresi a legjobb vállalatokat, amelyekkel pénzt takaríthat meg?
Nézze meg az erőforrás -oldalamat, hogy a legjobb vállalatok használják az utazás során. Felsorolom mindazokat, amelyeket használok, amikor úton vagyok. Ők is pénzt takarítanak meg.

Sokkal több információt szeretne Görögországról?
Feltétlenül nézd meg a Görögország robusztus rendeltetési útmutatóját, hogy még sokkal több tervezési tippet találjon!