5 Drunken Decisions That altered Our Lives

a lot of people would suggest that you don’t make huge life decisions while under the influence of alcohol, however in our experience, this just isn’t the case! a few of our finest (and a lot of life-altering) decisions have come while we were heavily into our much-loved red wine, or deep into our 3rd round of cocktails.

Here are 5 decisions we made while somewhat intoxicated which eventually altered our lives forever.

1. “Let’s Leave Canada For Good”

After our very first backpacking trip around Southeast Asia, we returned to Canada with the intent of saving sufficient money for one more world trip. So the concept of travel was originally there, however after living at house for a few months the concept of “investments” as well as “buying homes” slowly crept back into our minds.

Goodbye snow!
We ultimately started thinking about investing in residential property in Brazil. We figured we would have a great chunk of change in the bank by the time we were arranged to go travelling, but everyone was speaking about Brazil being a “BRIC Economy” as well as the best location to buy property.

Our focus left travel as well as went towards the dream of when once again having a house. Of course, this time around the intent was to flip the home to make great deals of money to spend on travel, however still, it would have delayed our travel dreams for at least 2 years.

Luckily, one fateful night in our rental apartment or condo in Calgary, we made a decision to make some lime daiquiris. The very first went down nicely and the conversation began with our dream residential property in Brazil, however as the wonderful nectar made its method into our bloodstream as well as started to impact the synapses in our cerebral cortex (I made that up), our conversation counted on travel.

By the third daiquiri, the concept of getting residential property in Brazil went totally out the window as well as we were back to speaking about travel. We made a decision that if we gotten a residential property in Brazil, we’d be when once again connected down, as well as would have to work for 2 a lot more years, which might potentially destroy our dreams of world exploration for good.

The map was back out as well as we were planning travel again!

That night, we not only ditched the home-buying plan, however we bumped up our departure date from our original trip plan by three months.

The next morning we woke up with headaches as well as a new lease on life. The plan stuck however, as well as about a month later we were on a airplane heading out on our second world trip.

This trip ultimately led to us starting a travel blog which has now earned us far a lot more than the very best residential property investment in Brazil ever might have.

2. “We requirement To style This Blog”

Okay so the original concept of starting this blog was made while totally sober (boring), however the actual focus, niche and design of our original web site was made a decision over a few beers.

We were travelling in the Philippines at the time as well as while we had already gotten our domain as well as moved over a few of our articles from a complimentary blog account, we hadn’t truly done much else with the site.

We made a decision to take our computers to a bit cafe in the village of El Nido on Palawan Island. As the sun dipped in the sky, the cool bit cafe with respectable wi-fi, turned into a bumping bar with discounted San Miguel beer. Miért ne? Gondoltuk. Couldn’t hurt.

Three (or six) $2 beers later as well as our entire web site was laid out on post-it notes in front of us. We made a decision exactly how the menu would look, what parts of the blog we would focus on as well as what the style of the site would be (at that time, budget plan backpacking).

Again the buzz used off overnight, however again, the concepts stuck. I utilized those post-it notes (and a few hundred Google searches as well as YouTube tutorials) to produce the site as we had organized it to be that night.

3. “We’re going to Cuba!”

While we were living on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala for 2 months, our feet were getting a bit itchy. One night – it just so occurred – we were getting a bit thirsty as well. The two ailments integrated as well as were treated in a matter of hours.

After a few glasses of tasty red wine, we made a decision that we should travel to Cuba before it was “too late”. A believed that lots of had before us, as well as millions had after. At one point, we nearly invited our travel insurance coverage broker to find with us on the trip. In hindsight that wasn’t the very best idea, however the plan to go to Cuba was!

Even though we had paid for our apartment or condo on the lake for one more month, we left after just 2 weeks of planning.

We had the time of our lives in the country as well as while Cuba is by no indicates “ruined” or “tainted” to this day, it is already extremely different from when we went. perhaps it didn’t “change our lives”, however we would have never been able to see Cuba as we did had we not gone on that trip.

We couldn’t be happier that we made a decision to fracture that second bottle of white wine that night.

4. “Let’s Camp on a Deserted Island”

We had spent time on deserted islands in Mozambique just months before, however we had 3 locals with us. costs a couple of days on a deserted island with nobody to catch food for us, or to assist us out if anything went wrong was something we had never done.

It was one more afternoon in El Nido, just a few days after the blog’n’beer night. We satisfied a couple from the UK as well as for some reason, we decided to drink a great deal of regional Tanduay rum together.

After about an hour, we were that frustrating table that everybody really hoped would shut-up. Dariece as well as I are normally the ones rolling our eyes at people like that, so we’re a bit embarrassed to believe back as well as recognize exactly how loud we were being at this charming beach restaurant!

Anyways, as the moon came out as well as the rest of the people cleared from their tables, we remained… ultimately closing down the location as well as moving to the sand. It was there on the beach next to an empty bottle of rum, that we hatched a dazzling idea.

We were going to hire a fisherman to take us to one of the deserted islands in the sea, decrease us off as well as leave us there for 1 night, 2 full days.

Luckily we didn’t plan to go that night (although the concept did float around). We sensibly made a decision to sleep on it as well as see if we were still keen in the morning.

Again we woke up with a hangover, however again, the dream was still alive. We satisfied up with our good friends that morning, bought some provisions, discovered a boat to take us as well as the next morning we were standing on a beach on an uninhabited island!

We connected knives to sticks as well as tried spear fishing. Nem sikerült. We tried to light a terminate by scrubing sticks. Nem sikerült. We even tried to make a bit shelter. Nem sikerült. generally by night autumn we were eating spaghetti as well as chatting by a terminate that we started with newspaper as well as a lighter.

It was still a blast as well as we will never fail to remember that fantastic night with a couple of people that we had only understood for 24 hours prior to the adventure.

This had always been a significant container listing product for me, so scratching it off my listing did modification my life as well as provided me a higher respect for nature as well as made me recognize exactly how horrible I would be at surviving on a remote island if it ever pertained to that.

Click right here to checked out a lot more about that story.

5. “We must begin home Sitting”

Okay so perhaps you’re believing that we’re alcoholics by now, however this time around we only had a couple of beers, I swear! We had just shown up in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, as well as during our trip with central Asia, this was one of the few times we even saw alcohol (so perhaps we were additional prone to its effects).

The Table Where We set Up Our home sitting Account

We satisfied up with a person from Japan as well as he gotten us a few beers. We sat at our guest home for a couple of hours with him as well as chatted about travel as well as his house in Tokyo (we are still in get in touch with with him to this day). After he left, Dariece as well as I made a decision to set up our very first home sitting account.

We subscribed at TrustedHouseSitters.com, put in some photos, produced our profile as well as voila! We were prepared to get our very first job. just a month later we had a message from Julia in Grenada requesting that we come take care of her “divine spare Dog” in the Caribbean.

Spare Dog

This was the dream job! A lovely house on the beach with a furry bit friend. We got that task as well as the world of home sitting as well as living in Grenada genuinely did modification our lives drastically.

This is where our blog went from a side-income to a full-time career. Ez az, aholRájöttünk a lassabb utazáshoz, amely végül azt jelzi, hogy barátságokat hozunk létre a helyi emberekkel, és sokkal többet fedezünk fel a hely kultúrájáról és szokásairól.

Úgy gondoljuk, hogy a PET ült Costa Ricában, valamint Barbadosban, valamint háromszor visszatértünk Grenada -ba. Valójában ezt a szigetet házbázisunknak nevezzük. Hasonlóképpen béreltünk apartmanokat Mexikóban, Guatemalában és Máltán. Az otthoni ülés, valamint a lassú utazás a módszer!


Többet kell innunk! De minden komolysággal úgy tűnik, hogy a legjobbak, sok spontán döntést mindig a szósz kortyja után hoznak meg. Noha néhány ember homlokát ráncolhatja ennek a bejegyzésnek a stílusával, úgy gondoljuk, hogy 100% -ban egyetértenek vele, ha részeg lenne, amikor elolvasják.

Sokkal sokkal kiválóbb döntéseket hoztak, amelyeket egy pohár vörösbor felett hoztunk, ám ezek az 5 -ös életváltozásnak nem voltak minősülnek. Ha valaha is kérdéses egy nagy életviteli döntésről, akkor hozzon létre egy pohár bort, rúgjon vissza, és kivonja egy barátjával. Ha józanul felkel, és továbbra is úgy gondolja, hogy ez egy nagyszerű ötlet, akkor köszönetet mondhat a Hootch -nak, hogy segítséget nyújtott Önnek a konundrumban.

Meghozott már döntést ivás közben? Jól vagy borzasztóan rossz lett? Mondja el nekünk az alábbi megjegyzéseket.

Mint ez a bejegyzés? Tűzd ki!

Jogi nyilatkozat: Az úton lévő kecskék Amazon partner, valamint néhány más kiskereskedő leányvállalata. Ez azt jelzi, hogy jutalékokat teszünk, ha a blogunk linkjeire kattint, és megvásároljuk az e kiskereskedőktől.