Matabungkay Beach: Littered Memories in Batangas, Philippines

2013 March 16

A worldful of grays are scattered along the shore of Matabungkay. It is strewn with ashen sand that sparkles a white glow when hugged by sunlight. It is bordered landward by a long, cramped lane of resorts and stores. many times, it is littered with trash that unabashed locals and tourists left behind. and lying on the berm, almost safe from the swashes of the having a hard time tides, are memories — neither fresh nor stale — that I always come back for.

I envy this kid!!!
I always find myself lazing on the beach of Matabungkay. sometimes with friends. other times, just me. My last check out was almost a year ago, April 2012. There’s just a hole in my heart that only the sand of this place can fill.

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A strand
A tömeg
A szemetet
Az emlékek
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A strand

I grew up in Batangas, and I had always heard of its name since I was a kid. but my first time to set foot on this place was when I was already working here. It was famed for being a sanctuary, a place that lights up the spirit and boasts a lighter gray sand. hidden along the western shore of the province, facing the West Philippine Sea, it was for the longest time an idyllic fishing village until tourism changed it completely.

Legend has it that Matabungkay was “rediscovered” in the early 1950s by Germans who were looking for a go-to paradise within proximity to the bustling Manila. slowly it gained prominence and for a long period became the “it” destination in southern Luzon, way before the rebirth of Anawangin or the rise of Caramoan.

Today, Matabungkay is not as famous, but it continues to offer sanctuary to work-battered capital-dwellers aching for a respite and families wanting an easy getaway. One thing that’s going for it is its accessibility — only two hours away.

A tömeg

In our town, going to Matabungkay, despite its being just over an hour away, was a dream. I remember, when I was a kid my mom would always tell my siblings and I how expensive it was to go on a vacation there whenever we brought it up. Of course, things are different now. For starters, we can already afford to stay there. Plus, a lot of cheaper resorts and inns have mushroomed along the shore through the years. Its proximity coupled with affordability had brought in a lot of tourists, providing livelihood to the locals and changing the face of the place along the way.

Those who are looking for a quiet, secluded paradise will be disappointed by the commercialism that had taken over it. stores are everywhere and vendors of mementos approach guests, sometimes persistently. These floating huts have become almost a fixture that it’s almost impossible to take a shot without them in the frame.

Bamboo rafts
But those patient to find a good spot are rewarded. For example, Matabungkay beach Hotel’s beachfront is bookmarked by runways that extend to the sea, drawing a border between the pricey resort and the rest of the beach.

At night, your elusive peace of mind might be chased away by the ubiquitous showstopping videoke/karaoke performances, good and bad, that play in the background.

Children building sand castles
North end of Matabungkay beach
A szemetet

In the many times that I returned to Matabungkay, one thing that is constant is the trash. Each time, I spotted food leftovers, plastic wrappers, disposable plates and cups, glass bottles, and cigarette butts. I know that you find these in many other beaches in and out of the country but they’re glaring here — because of both the size and the number. It was actually Matabungkay that inspired me and my teammates at to launch a responsible travel campaign.

The last time I was here, the condition was a lot better, but it definitely has seen better days. Still, it’s a good sign. At least I know that the environmental fee that they have started collecting is going somewhere. Again, it’s been a year since my last check out and I can’t speak about its current state. I hope it’s better now.

Ces picking up trash
Swept together!
My pal Andre cleaning up this part of the beach
Always a sad sight
Az emlékek

My very first serious job sent me and had me stay in Matabungkay in Lian, Batangas for two months. I had just graduated from college, and it was my debut to the corporate world. part of my job was to manage a group of Korean students studying English at Matabungkay beach Resort. Those two months were filled with unforgettable experiences with the kids and my co-workers. Although the busy schedule did not allow me to get out of the resort often, it did not stop me from creating fun memories here. That was in early 2007.

I had never seen many of those Korean and Filipino kids and colleagues again since then. even despite exchanging emails, there is still something missing, something that may be the music of voices or the warmth of physical presence. Visszatekintve nem tudom elhinni, milyen közel voltam hozzájuk, és felháborodva, hogy milyen távoliak vagyunk most. Olyan, mintha a barátságunk csak a közelben lévő két hónap alatt létezett volna, hogy itt voltak. Hat évvel később, amikor a kapcsolatok elvesznek és összekapcsolódtak, csak egy hely van, ahol újraéleszthetik azokat a napokat – a Matabungkay tengerpartján, a kukák és a tömeg és a hamu homok között, amelyet egykor lábnyomaink megsemmisítettek.

Hogyan lehet eljutni a Matabungkay-ba: Ha vezet, a SLEX-ből, vegye be a STA Rosa kijáratát, a Silang-Magaytay autópályát, és folytassa mindaddig, amíg el nem éri a Batangas-Cavite határát. Forduljon jobbra az útra a Nasugbu ív alatt, amíg el nem éri a Shell benzinkútot, forduljon balra Lian és Calatagan iránya felé. Vigyázzon a Matabungkay feliratokra a jobb oldalán.

Ha tömegközlekedést szed, vegyen be egy kisteherautót (shuttle) vagy buszt Calataganba vagy Lianba az EDSA-TAFT-nál (Pasay Rotonda és Metropoint Mall közelében). Egyszerűen mondja meg a sofőrnek/karmesternek, hogy dobja el a csomópontnál Matabungkay felé. Innentől kezdve vegyen egy tricikli.

További tippek a YouTube -on ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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